
計畫介紹 Plan Introduction



We guide students in forming an "Environmental Sustainability Ambassador Group" to develop diverse teaching plans for environmental education. 

The plan establishes four goals: cultivating talent, enhancing professional knowledge, addressing and valuing common environmental problems, and creating local cultural values. The ambassador group conducts ecological research in Qingtonglin Community, Wufeng District, Taichung City.Using professional instruments for water quality analysis and ecological investigation. Analyze the status of the streams located in the Qingtonglin community. Research and development activities focus on environmental education, integrating the results of ecological surveys with educational importance. Create a correct attitude of the public towards environmental protection and sustainable development.

團隊介紹 Team Profile

朝陽科技大學Chaoyang University of Technology

  • 計畫主持人Principal Investigator:楊珮玉 助理教授

  • 計畫聯絡人Program Contact:楊珮玉 助理教授

SDGs關聯目標 Sustainable Development Goals


合宜工作與經濟成長 Decent work and economic growth


永續城市及社區 Sustainable cities and communities


負責任的消費及生產 Responsible consumption and production







實踐場域 Practice Field


合作系所及學校 Cooperative department and University

朝陽科技大學 Chaoyang University of Technology

  • 環境工程與管理系 Department of Environmental Engineering and Management

聯絡資訊 Contact

電話:(04)2332-3000 #7491
計畫主持人:楊珮玉 助理教授
計畫聯絡人:楊珮玉 助理教授