計畫介紹 Plan Introduction
In order to implement the concept of “Intergenerational Preschool”, we will set up three stages. The first stage is that the preschool holds a one-day experience camp for intergenerational learning, experiencing the situation where young children and the senior learning together, also the exclusive needs for the senior’s classes; after one-day’s experience, the preschool will be selected by the evaluation interested parties and enter the second stage of “Semester Featured Courses for Intergenerational Learning.” To further confirm the effectiveness of intergenerational learning. In the third stage of the project, this action can provide innovative and valued care model to seniors in our aged society, and also both young children and the elders will benefit from intergenerational learning and develop positive relationship between generations.
團隊介紹 Team Profile
朝陽科技大學Chaoyang University of Technology
- 計畫主持人Principal Investigator:鄭堯任 老師
- 計畫聯絡人Corresponding Person:翟中運 專員
- 美格新都托嬰中心負責人兼園長:何淑琴 女士
SDGs關聯目標 Sustainable Development Goals
確保健康的生活方式 |
確保包容和公平的優質教育 |
實踐場域 Practice Field
合作系所及學校 Cooperative department and University
人文暨社會學院 College of Humanities and Social Sciences
銀髮產業管理系 Department of Golden-Ager Industry Management
工業設計系 Department of Industrial design
幼兒保育系 Department of Early Childhood Development and Education
建築系 Department of Architecture
聯絡資訊 Contact
電話:(04)2332-3000 #8962
計畫主持人:鄭堯任 老師
計畫聯絡人:翟中運 專員